Wait Out Winter with our Cocooning Skincare Tips
Discover Lancôme’s best Skin care advices to get comfortable with your skin by hydrating and re-energizing it to prevent ageing signs.

Wait Out Winter with our Cocooning Skincare Tips
These last days of winter always seems to drag on too long. Couple that with little reason to get out of the house at the moment and searching for the first signs of spring can really feel like a waiting game. So why not join us in counting down the last cold days on the calendar the best way we can imagine, with a bit of cocooning!
Come inside and cozy up with Lancôme for our favorite part of cocooning: added time for self care and delighting in all the new beauty routines to go with! You’ll be feeling so warm and fuzzy inside and out it will be like sunshine on a winter’s day. We can think of no better way to melt the rest of those cold days away than with this beauty routine!
Get Comfortable with your skin
Wrap yourself in your softest sweater and slide on your cosiest slippers! Comfort in winter goes way beyond our clothes though. Winter dryness has likely left us feeling uncomfortable in our own skin, which can feel and look unpleasant. Comfort your skin with a few favorites from Lancôme. For the face, Tonique Confort is a silky-soft toner made of natural ingredients like acacia honey and sweet almond extract to gently purify and rehydrate skin, leaving it soothed. Skincare doesn’t stop at our face though. Winter has been extra harsh on our hands too, leaving the skin there dry and cracked. Soothe your hands with Confort Crème Mains to nourish and repair this sensitive skin.
Helping your skin Hydration
While Tonique Confort and Confort Crème Mains have already given you the head start on hydration, be sure to also hydrate yourself from the inside out with a double dose of water and some warm drinks. Caffeine is a diuretic and in winter we need to stay hydrated more than ever as cold air outdoors coupled with heating indoors is a recipe for skin dryness. So forego the caffeine and favor hydrating hot drinks like warm cider or herbal teas.
Moisturize to Re-energize
Skin can look and feel tired after a long winter. As you cosy up inside, take the time to give it the moisture and energy boost it needs now! Rénergie Multi-Lift Ultra Cream will work wonders for filling wrinkles, while toning and firming skin for a youthful and energized skin. It has even been specially formulated for eyes fine lines with Rénergie Yeux Multi-Lift Ultra to fill and lift delicate skin around the eyes for an awakened appearance.
Remember, winter is a time to be generous and kind with yourself. So be gentle and envelope yourself with cozy self care moments at home like these. This time well spent will melt winter away before you know it and you’ll emerge from your beauty cocoon feeling and looking fresh for spring!